Tuesday, August 21, 2012

nearly done

So here I am. On the very last week of my internship.

I arrived at Side by Side in the fog and found Devin surveying places where the chickens could be moved. He settled on a spot across the fields, behind the greenhouse and just beyond the corn. While he rolled the chicken tractors over, I harvested fennel. After a brief nibble at the raspberry bushes, we set up the fences in a wide oval (or something like an oval). The nomad chickens now have a new large area filled with insects and fresh ground. It should be a feast for them, and yet they stood starring at us, pleading for their food barrel. Devin and I harvested peppers, okra, and eggplants for the share tomorrow, then planted two flats of lettuce.

And as I left for the day, the sun came out.

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