Monday, July 2, 2012

five days in canada

Last week, my family and I took a little trip to Ottawa, Canada.

Our main reason for going was to see the van Gogh exhibit currently at the National Gallery. It was beautifully done. Most of the pieces were still lives and nature images, including Almond Blossom, and there were quotes from van Gogh's letters posted on the walls.

We had lots of good food. This is where we ate:
The Table (probably some of the best food I've ever had)
Elgin Street Diner (where my brother got poutine)
Pure Gelato

We came upon this in the National Gallery: a little stone courtyard full of bromeliads. And then behind the courtyard was a hallway that, when you rounded a corner, led you into a full chapel, complete with stained glasses, statues, high ceiling, everything - all inside the museum.

Another morning was spent hiking in Gatineau Park (which is just across the river in Quebec). We took the King's Mountain trail, which led us up to a rocky point that looked out for miles and miles.

We made a trip to Byward Market. I only wish we could have had more time there. (Although I did get to add another image to my collection of radish photos.)

And our final afternoon was spent at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. They have an incredible collection of totem poles and artifacts of the First People.

Ottawa has a canal, which we frequently walked along side. And one evening, our last evening, we took a boat ride along the Ottawa River, learning about all of the sites we'd seen from a new vantage.

In all, it was something of whirlwind but wonderful trip. I absolutely want to go back.

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